Flowers For International Women’s Day

International women's day flowers

You’re likely familiar with International Women’s Day’s significance and its origins, tracing back to the early 20th century as a focal point in the movement for women’s rights. But have you ever considered the profound symbolism behind the specific blooms chosen to honour this day?

From the vibrant mimosa to the resilient tulip, each flower carries a message of respect, appreciation, and hope. As you think about the women who’ve impacted your life, there’s a deeper narrative to explore about why flowers have become such a universal gesture on this day and how they contribute to the ongoing dialogue about gender equality and empowerment.

Learn about the different flowers to give the inspirational women in your life, and shop our beautiful bouquets online today.

International Women’s Day origins

Tracing back to its roots, International Women’s Day (IWD) was established in 1911, championing gender equality and women’s rights globally. Over the years, it’s become a day not just of protest and calls for change but also of celebration, recognising the achievements and contributions of women worldwide.

A significant tradition that has emerged in many cultures is the giving of flowers for International Women’s Day. This gesture is more than just a token of appreciation; it’s a symbol of respect, admiration, and solidarity.

The mimosa flower is the main flower that represents International Women’s Day. It was picked on the first IWD after World War II. With its bright yellow blooms, the mimosa has come to symbolise the strength, vitality, and brightness women bring to society and their communities.

When you choose flowers for International Women’s Day, incorporating the mimosa or selecting bouquets that capture its essence is a beautiful way to honour the day.

International Women’s Day flowers


The Mimosa flower, symbolising strength, sensibility, and sensitivity, stands as the traditional emblem of International Women’s Day (IWD) in numerous countries. This vibrant yellow bloom isn’t just a sight for sore eyes; it carries deep meaning, making it the perfect flower for International Women’s Day.

Its resilience and delicate appearance reflect the qualities celebrated in women worldwide.

Yellow Mimosa Flowers

When pondering what flowers are usually given on International Women’s Day, the Mimosa quickly tops the list. It showcases the blend of toughness and tenderness in women, recognising their substantial contributions and the unique challenges they face.


Red roses

Roses, especially in hues of yellow and red, play a pivotal role in International Women’s Day celebrations, symbolising the enduring bonds of friendship, support, and love. When you choose a yellow rose, you convey a message of appreciation and platonic love, making it perfect for celebrating the women in your life.

The red rose, on the other hand, is all about deep love and respect, ideal for expressing your heartfelt admiration for the incredible women who inspire you daily.

By gifting a beautiful bouquet of roses on this special day, you embody the essence of gratitude, solidarity, and affection.


Tulips offer a vibrant splash of colour and elegance to International Women’s Day celebrations. As the tulip season kicks off around this time, these flowers become an ideal choice for the occasion.

Here’s why you should consider tulips:

  1. Seasonal Availability: Their season starts now, making them a timely gift.
  2. Colourful and Elegant: Tulips bring a beautiful array of colours to any bouquet.
  3. Perfect Scent: They possess a just-right scent, not too overpowering.
  4. Versatile: With a wide range of colours, there’s a tulip for every preference.
Pink, yellow and orange tulips

Opting for tulips means choosing a flower that perfectly blends beauty, elegance, and the spirit of spring into your International Women’s Day celebration.


Pink and red carnations

Often overlooked, carnations are a deeply meaningful choice for International Women’s Day, symbolising friendship, respect, and love in their various hues. Known as the ‘divine flower’ or Dianthus in Greek, these blooms stand out in bouquets, second only to roses in popularity. Their rich palette offers a unique way to express your sentiments; white represents purity and luck, while pink shows gratitude. Red carnations, naturally, are all about the expression of pure love.

Their distinct appearance and enduring charm make carnations a universally captivating gift. So, when you’re considering how to honour the women in your life on this special day, don’t overlook the profound messages these flowers carry.


Lilies, with their enchanting fragrance and elegant appearance, symbolise devotion and purity, making them a perfect choice for celebrating International Women’s Day.

They embody femininity and are a glorious addition to any bouquet meant to honour this special day. Here’s why you should consider lilies:

Orange, yellow and pink lilies
  1. Symbolism: They’re not just flowers; they carry deep meanings of devotion, purity, and rebirth.
  2. Variety: Lilies come in a range of colours, each with its own significance. This diversity allows you to personalise your message.
  3. Cultural Significance: Rooted in Greek mythology, lilies are associated with fertility and motherhood, celebrating the strength and beauty of women.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal: Their elegant form and delightful scent add a touch of grace to any setting, making them ideal for this occasion.

Gift-giving and celebrations

Flower arrangements

When choosing flower arrangements for International Women’s Day, it’s crucial to select blooms that embody the spirit of strength, hope, and equality. Here are ideas that capture these themes beautifully:

Choosing any of these arrangements won’t only delight but also deeply resonate with the themes of International Women’s Day.

Workplace celebrations

In celebrating International Women’s Day at the workplace, businesses and organisations can creatively honour their female employees with thoughtful flower gifts, fostering an environment of appreciation and recognition.

This not only elevates the celebration but also strengthens team bonds. Remember, the goal is to make every woman feel valued and appreciated, turning International Women’s Day into a memorable occasion that highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Shop flowers for the women in your life

Selecting the perfect flowers for the women in your life on International Women’s Day has never been easier, thanks to our diverse range of bouquets. As a women-owned business, we understand the importance of this day, and we’re here to help you make it memorable with our stunning floral arrangements.

With options ranging from small flower bouquets to deluxe flower bouquets, you’re sure to find the perfect size and style to celebrate International Women’s Day.

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